Thursday, November 19, 2020

Where are people finding great Podcasts?

Where you should publish your Podcast
One thing is for sure in 2020...we've all made significant changes to our work habits and how we manage our businesses. Whether it's having more Zoom meetings than in-person presentations or creating more content for our web site visitors, this is a new reality that requires some out of the box thinking. Speaking of "thinking", have you noticed how many millions of people are working on their personal and professional development now that working from home is the new norm?

Podcasts, videos, eBooks, and online radio have all seen a surge in listeners in 2020, and the trend will easily continue for years to come. A major part of this trend is professional development. For example, people working from home are listening to more Podcasts and watching more videos to learn about the skills they need to maximize their work performance. Broad level topics like leadership coaching, resilience training, and team building are gaining popularity in search engines along with more specific skill topics like search engine optimization, content optimization, and business writing.

So, where are most people finding Podcasts published by their favorite gurus? Thanks to and the chart above you can see the top platforms most frequently used by people wanting to access Podcasts. If you've used any of these you probably have your favorite for various reasons. Costs, ease of access, tools, etc. 

Now that you know which platforms are most popular start thinking about how this information can be used for your business. Learning something new about your profession, your market or even your competition is a good start. Or, how about teaching prospective clients about your industry or sharing helpful tips about how to make smart decisions buying your product or service? Creating a Podcast and making it available to the world may be the best thing to come out of this crisis for you and your business...or maybe even for your dream customer!